67thp.gif (20311 bytes)

WWI Aircraft Images

The pictures you see below were all taken at the Old Rhinebeck aerodrome by our very own Jeeves from the SDOE community. If you have any WWI aircraft photo's you'd like added, please contact me and I will try and get them up. Thanks again to Jeeves for sending in these great photo's.

Albatross.jpg (35395 bytes)

Bebe_Side.jpg (41188 bytes)

Bebe_Side_2.jpg (43814 bytes)

Armor_car.jpg (31724 bytes)

camel.jpg (34125 bytes)

Stuart_tank.jpg (37738 bytes)

foes.jpg (41538 bytes)

Imperial War Museum

The next few pictures were taken by myself at the Imperial War Museum in London, England. These pictures are just a few of the WWI planes and vehicles they have on display, more shots of their WWII aircraft are on the WWII photo page as you might have guessed!

be2c.jpg (100135 bytes)

duxfordside.jpg (313148 bytes)

sopcamel.jpg (288876 bytes)

mkivtank.jpg (83626 bytes)



If you wish to use some of these photo's for whatever reason please contact me Here first and request permission. Thank you.